Disclosure of Gifts
A gift is defined under section 5.57 of the Act as a conferral of a financial benefit (including a disposition of property) made by one person in favour of another person unless adequate consideration in money or money’s worth passes from the person in whose favour the conferral is made to the person who makes the conferral. It includes any contributions to travel.
In accordance with the Act, council members (section 5.87A) and CEOs (section 5.87B) are required to disclose gifts that are received in their capacity as a council member or CEO and:
- are valued over $300; or
- are of a cumulative value that exceeds $300 where the gifts are received from the same donor in a 12-month period.
All such gifts must be disclosed within ten days of receipt — the CEO makes the disclosure to the mayor or president; council members make the disclosure to the CEO. The CEO must update the gifts register within 10 days and an up-to-date version of the register is required to be published on the local government’s official website.
Form 4 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 sets out the information that is to be disclosed:
- a description of the gift
- the name and address of the donor
- the date of receipt
- the estimated value of the gift
- the nature of the relationship between the donor and recipient
- in the case of travel, the date of the travel and a description
- in the case of an excluded gift, the date of the approval and reasons for the approval.
( Above information referenced from - https://www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/department/publications/publication/operational-guideline---disclosure-of-gifts-and-disclosure-of-interests-relating-to-gifts#Disclosing)
Gifts Register 2022-2023 Financial Year
Gifts Register 2021-2022 Financial Year
Gifts Register 2020-2021 Financial Year