What is a Changing Place
A Changing Place is a secure and clean bathroom specifically designed for people who need space and assistance to manage their bathroom needs while in the community and for whom universal access toilets are not suitable.

Opening hours
The Meckering Changing Place Facility is accessible 24/7 with an MLAK key.
Location of Changing Place
Gabbedy Place, Meckering, WA, 6405
-31.632825, 117.007254
The nearest ACROD parking bay is located out the front of the facility on Gabbedy Place, Meckering, WA 6405
Changing Places WA Network
This Changing Place forms part of a state-wide Network. Other Changing Places across WA can be located on the National Public Toilet Map or the Find a Changing Places toilet | Changing Places. You can use either of these maps to plan your journey.
Contact information
If there is an emergency whilst using the Changing Place, please contact Emergency Services - Police, Fire, Ambulance on 000.
If you find the Changing Places Facility unclean or equiptment not working, please advise the Shire of Cunderdin Administration on 9635 2700.
Shire of Cunderdin staff are not able to assist you with your continence requirements or use of the equipment within the Changing Place.
For information on how to gain access the the Changing Places Facility, please click HERE
Information on the Masterlock Key system can be found HERE
To apply for access to Changing Places please click HERE This will direct you to the Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK) order form.
This Changing Place contains the following equipment:
- Peninsular Toilet
- A non-slip floor
- A washbasin
- The hoist is a Molift Air205 with a Molift
- The adult sized, height adjustable change tableSlings
Slings (disposable or otherwise) are not provided in Changing Places.
If you are unsure about your sling’s compatibility with the hoist provided in this Changing Place, please contact the supplier, manufacturer or prescribing therapist, or call the Independent Living Centres Advisory Service on 1300 885 886 for advice.
Information on the Meckering Changing Places Toilet