Community Emergency Service

In the event of an emeergency please call 000 prior to posting alerts on social media or WhatsApp. This process will prevent delay's in emergency service response times.
Firebreak Requirements
All owners and occupiers of land within the Shire of Cunderdin, unless otherwise specified in the 2024/2025 Fire Break Notice, are required to clear firebreaks and/or adhere to fuel reduction requirements before 20th September of any year. These requirements must be maintained until 30th April of the following year.
Land owners are notified of these requirements in the Fire Break Notice distributed with the Rates Assesment Notices via postage or email.
Below are definitions of the fuel reduction and firebreak requirements:
Town Site Land and Area less than 1 hectare (2.47 acres) Land Area of less than 2024m2
All hazardous material is to be removed from the whole of the land except living trees, shrubs and plants. The remaining vegetation is to be maintained to a height of no greater than 7.5cm. Maintain fuel loadings in natural bush areas at less than 8 tonnes per hectare across the land. |
Land Area greater than 2024m2 and less than 5 Hectares
Bare earth Firebreaks of not less than three (3) metres in width must be constructed inside the boundary or 3 metres outside the boundary. Where there is a road free of flammable material, applications can be made annually to the Chief Fire Control Officer for exemption.

Rural Land(Surrounding Buildings/Haystacks/Fuel Dumps)
At least 20 metres wide and not more than 100 metres from the perimeter of all buildings and/or haystacks or groups of buildings and/or fuel dumps so as to completely surround them or so as to effectively surround the buildings, haystacks and/or fuel dumps which may be combined with strategic breaks e.g. roads, clear ground etc, with an effective cleared width of 20 metres.
Burning of Chaff Heaps
The burning of chaff heaps must be conducted from 12:00am Monday with no further ignitions to take place after 11:59pm Wednesday. This is to ensure that all chaff heaps that have been ignited have been burnt down before Saturday reducing the risk of reignition over a weekend.
Fuel Dumps
In respect of land owned or occupied by you, on which is situated any fuel dump, in addition to the requirements in previous paragraphs you shall remove all flammable materials or material likely to become flammable during summer from land occupied by bulk storage tanks and/or drums used for storage of liquid fuel whether the bulk storage tanks and/or drums contain liquid fuel or not. This includes the land on which ramps for holding the drums are constructed. The flammable material free ground must be maintained to a distance of at least 3 metres outside the perimeter of any drum, stack of drums or drum ramp or bulk storage tank. |
Burning Periods
Open Burning
No Permit Required
1st April 2024 - 19th Septmeber 2024
1st April 2025 - 19th September 2025
Restricted Burning
Permit Required
1st October 2024 - 1st November 2024
Prohibited Burning
Burning Prohibited
2nd November 2024 - 14th February 2025
Restricted Burning
Permit Required
15th February 2025 - 31st March 2025
Please be aware the as per the Bush Fires Act 1954 these dates may be varried if local seasonal conditions warrant a variation to the above specified dates.
Digital Burning Permit
To complete and submit an application for your burning permit please CLICK HERE or scan the QR code.
Fire Safety During Bush Fire Season
Watch the following three minute video.
Fire Danger Rating System

For further information on the changes to the Fire Danger Ratings please follow the link bellow:
Natural Disaster Preparation
Are you prepared for a natural disaster?
What do you need to know to survive when a bush fire is heading your way?
What about a cyclone?
Natural Disasters Emergency Kit
Shire of Cunderdin Fire Break Notice 2023/24
Emergency Services Levy
Local Emergency Management Arrangements
Guidelines for Operating Private Equipment at Fires
Vechilce Identification Sticker Application Form
Application to Join a Bush Fire Brigade (Please email completed form to
The Shire of Cunderdin's Community Emergency Services Manager position is currently vacant, please contact the Cunderdin Shire Administration Office with any queries or please call 000 in the case of an emergency.