Location: 11km North of Meckering on Burges North Road.
Contact Information: Nahrae Cook 0428 251 404
Email: collingullycottage@gmail.com
Facebook: Collingully Cottage
Collingullly Cottage Patchwork Barn is a lovely place to spend a weekend sewing, crafting or just relaxing with a group of friends on a beautiful working farm.
Located on a wheat and sheep farm in Meckering, it is a unique and innovative example of agricultural diversification.
The "Barn" has dormitory style accommodation for 10 people, a fully equipped kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
Avid sewers will delight in spending a weekend sewing with your friends while surrounded by tempting fabrics and other goodies!
Do yourself a favour, contact Nahrae to veiw a fantastic range of fabrics, kits and quilts on display in the barn, while enjoying the pleasant surrounds of the farm.